Groovy Fluids is a cooperative that creates and navigates within the hospitality world. We began our journey in the heart of Amsterdam. Where we have assembled our lab, that plays home to our creative needs, from experimentation to education, training to tasting and foremost: bottling cocktails. Which you can find here.
Our team has accumulated from a variety of backgrounds, representing: Italy, Poland, Portugal, The Netherlands, and the UK. Collectively we have been nurtured, during our time in hospitality, from Michelin Star restaurants to neighbourhood cocktail bars. Together at Groovy Fluids, we are bound by our desire to convey simplicity. Existing within a greater framework of techniques, methods and applications of equipment, we are dedicated to developing and delivering delicious drinks.
At Groovy Fluids, we care about taste. Our bottled cocktails combine the sweet and the sour, the bitter and the dry, to annunciate primary ingredients and emphasise refined flavours. Our sparkling range challenges the palate with components both known and unknown, with an outcome designed to derive pleasure from sip to swig.
We open our lab up for curious minds. For anything and everything that you can conceive, and that we can provide. Whether it be simple syrup ratios, or distilling your own spirit, we encourage experimentation at every level of interest. From workshops to masterclasses, consultancies to tastings, we are here to supply, support and supervise. Collaboration is in our DNA. And we like questions big and small, so feel free to ask away.
We open our lab up for curious minds. For anything and everything that you can conceive, and that we can provide. Whether it be simple syrup ratios, or distilling your own spirit, we encourage experimentation at every level of interest. From workshops to masterclasses, consultancies to tastings, we are here to supply, support and supervise. Collaboration is in our DNA. And we like questions big and small, so feel free to ask away.
Together we started our Groovy Fluids Platform, which is a collective online store inspired by the main project Groovy Fluids, involving other independent artists and designers that are like minded to us.
Always feel free to get in touch with us! To collaborate, share ideas or plan a tasting!